
Dental Implants - Introduction

Perfect White SmileSmile Makeover

Dental implant, also known as tooth implants, are considered a strong, long-lasting treatment option for patients with lost or missing teeth. Though some dentists must refer patients to an oral surgeon for this procedure, Dr. Frey is recognized as a top Beverly Hills implant dentist.
Below, Dr. Frey answers some of the most common questions about dental implants and high-quality porcelain crowns.

What Our Patients Have To Say

“Dr. Frey is also focused on providing excellent care. He takes pride in the job being done right. My teeth look great and Dr. Frey takes great pride in keeping them that way. The office has a pleasant atmosphere and everyone is very attentive.” -John M.
“I love Dr. Frey and everybody that works with him. They are all so positive and welcoming and Dr. Frey is very thorough and makes me feel like I’m in good hands.”- DCC.
Before and after dental implants

Dental Implant Before/After Images


What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant or tooth implant is meant to replace teeth that are lost or missing. Each implant consists of a fake tooth, and a biocompatible “root” made from titanium that is attached to the bone – just like a natural tooth. Tooth implants can be applied to replace one or two missing teeth, an entire arch of teeth, and even an entire smile. Implants are typically considered to be a part of the cosmetic dentistry family.
dental Implants

How Do Tooth Implants Work?

Tooth implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth and provide a very strong foundation for new teeth in the jawbone. When the root is not replaced from a missing tooth, the jawbone sinks where the tooth used to be and can shrink the bone. This is known as “bone resorption,” which alters the entire shape of your face and makes you look older. Dentures typically become loose as your jawbone shrinks, and your gums recede. Tooth implants are permanent, and allow you to bite, chew, and smile efficiently.For maximum effect, implants may be used in conjunction with other restorative dental procedures.

Are Dental Implants Used For One Tooth Or Many Teeth?

A dental implant can hold more than one tooth, in what we call a “dental bridge,” or just one tooth, a “dental crown.” Several teeth can be replaced with a dental bridge, in a customized way depending on the shape of your jaw and smile:

●      Two to three dental implants will support one dental bridge, for just one area of your smile
●      Your entire upper or lower arch can be replaced with five to six dental implants
●      Ten to twelve dental implants can replace your entire smile

Those who opt for tooth implants can choose between a fixed dental bridge, or a hybrid dental bridge that “snaps” onto the implant abutments.
Tooth implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth and provide a very strong foundation for new teeth in the jawbone. When the root is not replaced from a missing tooth, the jawbone sinks where the tooth used to be and can shrink the bone. This is known as “bone resorption,” which alters the entire shape of your face and makes you look older. Dentures typically become loose as your jawbone shrinks, and your gums recede. Tooth implants are permanent, and allow you to bite, chew, and smile efficiently.

For maximum effect, implants may be used in conjunction with other restorative dental procedures.

What Are All-On-4 Dental Implants?

All on four dental implants is a way for a patient to have beautiful teeth and a beautiful smile in one day at a relatively in expensive price. Many patients suffer from a not so desiring smile, gum disease, and broken fillings and a bad bite do not have the money to restore their mouth properly. This “re-organized” approach allows the patient to have the teeth and smile they always dreamed of having.
All on 4 dental Implants

What Are The Benefits Of All-On-Four Implants?

The advantages of this procedure are that it’s relatively inexpensive, it’s quick as it happens in one day. Most importantly, it ends the nightmare of suffering from teeth that are constantly failing and costing thousands of dollars to restore.

How Many Visits Are Required To Replace Missing Teeth?

Tooth implants can be applied in just one visit. During the first visit, we will place the titanium root with a temporary tooth on top. We call this procedure “Teeth in a Day.” A single implant procedure can be completed in less than one hour.

What Does The Tooth Implant Recovery Process Look Like?

The total healing time can take 3 months, during which you can wear a natural-looking provisional tooth. During this time, osseointegration will occur, in which the bone becomes one with the new root. Once the bone has healed, an abutment is attached to the implant and the crown or bridge is placed over it.
Dental Implants care

How Do I Care For My Dental Implants In Beverly Hills?

Daily brushing and flossing, just as you would care for natural teeth, will keep your new smile looking radiant and healthy.

How Long Does A Dental Implant Last?

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

There are no nerves in the bone, and many of our patients do not experience post-operative discomfort. In most instances, dental implant procedures can be performed with a local anesthetic; however, Dr. Frey also practices sedation dentistry. If you’re concerned about post-operative discomfort, Dr. Frey can also prescribe pain medication.
It’s important to follow the written instructions, which Dr. Frey will provide, to ensure that your implants heal quickly and properly.

Schedule A Consultation For Dental Implants In Beverly Hills, CA

It’s time to replace those lost, missing teeth. If you want to look healthier and younger, and are interested in learning more about dental implants as a permanent solution, contact us at 310.276.4537 to schedule a free smile assessment today.

Frequently Asked Questions On Dental Implants In Beverly Hills, CA

What are the risks of dental implants?

The primary risk of dental implants is the bone not adhering to the implant or fake root that was placed in the bone. An experienced dentist takes every precaution to minimize the chances of this happening, such as building up the jawbone if necessary and placing implants at the precise depth for maximum integration. 

There are certain factors that could increase the risk of implant failure. These include bacterial infection, which could happen at the time of placement. Patients need to take antibiotics after placement. . The rate of implant failure is approximately 5% or less.

Are dental implants painful?

There are no nerves in the bone, and many of our patients do not experience post-operative discomfort. In most instances, dental implant procedures can be performed with a local anesthetic; however, Our practice offers different levels of sedation dentistry. If you’re concerned about post-operative discomfort, PWS will almost always prescribe pain medication.

It’s important to follow the written instructions, which PWS will provide, to ensure that your implants heal quickly and properly.

Are dental implants covered by insurance?

At this time, most insurance providers do not cover the cost of dental implants. We encourage patients to contact their insurance company directly to inquire about their coverage. Some companies extend benefits for certain aspects of the procedure. For example, a patient may be responsible for the implant posts and surgery costs but may have coverage for the crown, bridge, or denture that will be seated on the implant or implants. 

For more information about the dental implant cost in Beverly Hills, contact us or your insurance provider.

Do Dental Implants need to be replaced?

Typically, we do not expect to replace dental implants that have integrated successfully into the jawbone. Osseointegration is the process of bone healing and surrounding the implant posts with healthy bone. After that point, chewing sends vibrations through the implant just as this action would with natural roots. 

These vibrations reverberate into the jawbone, stimulating bone regeneration. With this process occurring as it should, dental implants should remain intact and functional for many years. Bone loss is always a concern.

How long does a Dental Implant last?

With proper care, and once the dental implant has successfully integrated into the jaw bone, a dental implant can last as long as "humanly" possible. We use the word humanly because they are made by man and nothing man made lasts forever.

What foods should I avoid after a dental implant procedure?

Our patients can expect to receive full post-treatment guidelines and assistance with their questions after their procedure. In general, patients are advised to eat a soft-food diet for one week, then transition to a “fork-tender” diet for another week or two. Examples of foods to avoid include:

  • Hot foods for 24-48 hours. Stick to cool or room-temperature foods and beverages.
  • Very spicy foods
  • Chips and pretzels
  • Crusty breads and pizza crust
  • Sub sandwiches
  • Raw vegetables and apples
  • Corn on the cob
  • Granola
  • Gum
  • Hard cand

How do I care for my dental implants?

Daily brushing and flossing, just as you would care for natural teeth, will keep your new smile looking radiant and healthy.

What does the tooth implant recovery process look like?

We like to wait a full 3 months to allow osseo-integration to occur around the dental implant. During this time, we like to make our patients' natural-looking provisional or temporary teeth. Once the bone has healed, an abutment which is like a post that is in-between the implant and the crown of the tooth.

What does the tooth implant recovery process look like?

The total healing time can take 3 months, during which you can wear a natural-looking provisional tooth. During this time, osseointegration will occur, in which the bone becomes one with the new root. Once the bone has healed, an abutment is attached to the implant and the crown or bridge is placed over it.

How many visits are required to replace missing teeth?

Tooth implants can be applied in just dental services one visit, even for multiple teeth. During the first visit, we will place the fake dental root with a temporary tooth on top. We call this procedure “Teeth in a Day.” A single implant procedure can be completed easily and efficiently.

What are the benefits of all-on-four dental implants?

The advantages of this procedure is that it can all happen in one day! Meaning you can have amazing teeth, smile and bite in one day. Yes, it's true. This is a great procedure for patients who are fed up with their teeth and sick and tired of paying for dentistry only to have another expensive problem  pop up. 

It's like a house. Sometimes it's better to just wipe it off the lot and tear it down than to renovate and re-tool it. Most importantly, it ends the nightmare of suffering from teeth that are constantly failing and costing thousands of dollars to restore.

What is the All-on-Four-dental implant procedure?

All-On-Four dental implants is a way for a patient to have beautiful teeth and a beautiful smile in one day at a relatively inexpensive price. This procedure is for patients who suffer from a not so desirable smile, gum disease, broken fillings and a bad bite and are sick of the pain . 

Instead of constantly spending money restoring their teeth properly, this “re-organized” approach allows the patient to have the teeth and smile they always dreamed of having by seeing a dental implant dentist in Beverly Hills. How?

 All the remaining teeth are removed and 4 dental implants are strategically placed to hold an entire arch of teeth. We can actually place those teeth on top of the four implants on the day of the procedure. Truly amazing!

Are dental implants used for one tooth or many teeth?

A dental implant doesn’t need to be a single-tooth implant. A dental implant can hold more than one tooth, in what we call a “dental bridge,” or just one tooth, a “dental crown.” Several teeth can be replaced with a dental bridge, in a customized way depending on the shape of your jaw and smile:

  • Two to three dental implants will support one dental bridge, for just one area of your smile
  • Your entire upper or lower arch can be replaced with four, five or more dental implants
  • Ten to twelve dental implants can replace your entire smile

Those who opt for tooth implants, its best to come in for a consultation and let us evaluate your condition.

How do tooth implants work?

Tooth implants are a permanent solution to missing teeth and provide a very strong foundation for new teeth in the jawbone. When the root is not replaced from a missing tooth, the jawbone sinks where the tooth used to be and can shrink the bone. This is known as “bone resorption,” which alters the entire shape of your face and makes you look older. 

Dentures typically become loose as your jawbone shrinks, and your gums recede. Tooth implants are permanent, and allow you to bite, chew, and smile efficiently.

For maximum effect, implants may be used in conjunction with other restorative dental procedures.

Who is a candidate for Dental Implants?

Anyone with missing teeth or wants to replace teeth with a poor prognosis with a fake tooth is a good candidate!. If the tooth is the farthest one in the back of the mouth, and a dental bridge cannot be made, a dental implant is a wise choice.  

For dental implant treatment to be successful, candidates should have healthy gums and bone structures in the surgical area. Bone density can change after tooth loss. In some cases, it is necessary to build up the jawbone using bone graft material. This helps secure the implant and maintain its stability for several years. 

For the bone and gums to stay healthy and strong, it is best for dental implant patients not to smoke. Results seem to be better in patients who do not have health conditions that affect their healing process. Finally, dental implant patients should be willing to commit to good oral health practices after their procedure.

What kind of implants does PWS use?

PWS places state-of-the-art Nobel Biocare dental implants. These are high-end, brand-name implants that are used in mostly all of our cases. Learn more about Nobel Biocare here. We feel that when it comes to an implant system, you should go with the biggest and best name in the dental business. 

Nobel Biocare is known as the gold standard in dental implants and most other systems compare their system to Nobel Biocare. We feel that it's important to have the best for many reasons. For example, just say in 20 years, you had an issue with your dental impant and needed help and your PWS dentist has retired, you will be grateful to have a system that is widely available and easy to restore.

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